Movie1 mp4

She sat up her tits, wet with saliva swung back and forth. She made no immediately effort to dress. "I haven't had a decent screw for some time. My girl friend and I don't mean an intimate friend, but the one I ride with has been out of action for some time. When we ride we generally come across blokes either, like you two or just walkers who don't refuse an invitation for a fuck and between Kay and myself we would seduce at least a dozen men a week. You two blokes are the only fuck I have had since Kay became unavailable", she concluded as she then began to dress.As they returned to the main track the question that both men were thinking was asked. "Do you come this way often?'" She again smiled and as she mounted her bike replied. "No I haven't used this track before because you heard me collide with the bridge; however, if you had intentions of using it again I would be happy to come this way that is if the ride you have in mind meant it was me being ridden". Although they were. She started to use her tongue and satisfy him. Phil saw all the action and with his hand started to jerk his small cock furiously. He loved the view. He imagined it was his cock that had that good mouth on it. John loved her mouth for sure. He dropped his pants and got on his back enjoying the sucking of his big sahft. She started to lick his balls, puting one and then the oter on her mouth. Lovely feeling. Then she started to lick all the lenght of his cock from ball to head and back and when sher reached the head she kissed it genly. Phill kerk his cock slowly because he started to feel the cum approaching. John could't hold it any longer but he didn`t realise the cumshot was so close and he didn`t had time to tell her that he`s cuming. She wasn`t prepared for the load she gave her. The cum exploded on her face and hair. John moaned like a mad man. He was experienced with women but her mouth gave him a quick blowjob that he couldn`t resist. She laughed and said "John, it was like 2.
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